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[COLUMN/KOLUMNA] Mind the Gap by Sara Al Hamad: “Galileo, Galileo…”

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“Galileo, Galileo…”

After finding out that electronic music is stepping into London’s cultural high scene, the last piece of me that had doubts about this phenomenal city was kicked out of the system.

In September this year, Royal Albert Hall hosted Berlin’s Innervisions label, and showcased its groundbreaking and diverse dance music, with Croatian visual artist Nina Kurtela also performing live among a variety of leading German DJs. This notion inspired me to get involved with the electronic music scene here, which led to a series of events, completely unrelated to my initial plan, with a ribbon of potato and broccoli pizza on top.

Upon contacting a good friend of mine, a big drum&bass fan who works at various electronic festivals, in order to catch up on what was happening here, I realised she is currently 100% involved in – sustainability. She worked at her weekly event, Betsy’s Closet Swap Shop, dedicated to reducing the environmental impact of fast fashion by swapping clothes instead of buying new ones. Even though it was not what I planned on doing, I realised my wardrobe would appreciate some novelty, so I decided to join this group of green fashionistas instead of partying my brains out.

Betsy’s Closet Swap Shop

Since this event takes place in Brixton’s Effra Social, I got a tour of the neighbourhood and visited some of the locations Alex Bartsch captured in his book Covers: Retracing Reggae Record Sleeves In London. My reggae journey started at the corner of Atlantic Record and Electric Avenue in the heart of the Brixton Market, where Bartsch got the idea for the project. It was very thrilling to immerse in the rich history of reggae music in the UK, as well as the smell of hashish everywhere I went, but my road took a turn near a skate park, and I bumped into a group of freestyle rappers. I wish I could share with you what they were rapping about, but I have no idea. Give me a few more months, and then maybe – but the beat was great tho!


After my electro-reggae-rap escapades, it was time for good old classic rock to wrap up the week! As you already know, the movie about Queen is out there, and everyone is as jumpy as a puppet to see it. In celebration of the film, a light installation was unveiled at Carnaby Street this Sunday with Brian May and Roger Taylor as special guests, joined by the stars from the film Rami Malek, Lucy Boynton, Gwilym Lee, Ben Hardy and Joe Mazzello. I had every intention of getting a ticket for the front row, but the queue was as long as Soho, so unfortunately I had to zoom in with my camera just to see them. Nevertheless, the lights were amazing, and to even be there and feel the joy with thousands of other Queen lovers was remarkable.

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While I am minding my next gap, I will be leaving you with this week’s tune, honoring the legends that shook the world then and continue to do it ever since. Enjoy!

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“Galileo, Galileo…”

Nakon što sam otkrila da elektronička glazba ulazi na velika vrata londonske kulturne scene, zadnja moja dvojba o ovom fenomenalnom gradu pada u vodu.

U rujnu ove godine Royal Alber Hall je bio domaćin berlinskoj izdavačkoj kući Innervisions i predstavio je njezinu revolucionarnu i raznoliku dance glazbu zajedno s hrvatskom vizualnom umjetnicom Ninom Kurtelom koja je nastupala rame uz rame s vodećim njemačkim DJ-ima. Sve me ovo inspiriralo da istražim ovdašnju elektroničku glazbenu scenu što me dovelo na niz događaja,  totalno nepovezanih s mojim prvotnim planom, ali s dovoljno zanimljivih začina.

Stupila sam u kontakt s mojom dobrom prijateljicom, velikom ljubiteljicom drum ‘n’ bassa koja radi na nekoliko elektroničkih festivala, a kako bi pokušala povezati konce oko onoga što se trenutno događa ovdje, shvatila sam da ona trenutno 100% sebe daje u održivost. Radila je na vlastitom tjednom događaju, Betsy’s Closet Swap Shop, posvećenom smanjenju utjecaja brze mode na okoliš , radeći na razmjeni odjeće umjesto kupovanju nove. Iako sam mislila da to nije ono što sam nastojala raditi, shvatila sam kako bi moja odjeća cijenila ovakav tretman i umjesto pametovanja o tome što ću i kako ću, pridružila sam se ovoj grupi zelenih fashionista.

Betsy’s Closet Swap Shop

S obzirom da se ovaj događaj odvio u Efra Socialu u Brixtonu, uspjela sam obići susjedstvo i posjetiti neke od lokacija koje je Alex Bartsch zabilježio u svojoj knjizi Covers: Retracing Reggae Record Sleeves In London. Moje reggae putovanje počelo je na uglu Atlantic Recorda i Electric Avenue u srcu Brixton Marketa gdje je Bartsch dobio ideju za svoj projekt. Bilo je veliko zadovoljstvo zaviriti u bogatu povijesti reggae glazbe u Velikoj Britaniji kao i osjetiti miris hašiša svugdje, ali me ipak put odveo blizu skate parka te sam naišla na skupinu freestyle repera. Voljela bih da sam mogla podijeliti s vama ono o čemu su repali, ali nemam ideju kako to učiniti. Dajte mi nekoliko mjeseci pa ću onda možda to učiniti – ali je beat bio fantastičan.


Nakon ove electro-reggae-rap eskapade, bilo je vrijeme za malo dobrog starog klasičnog rocka ovog tjedna. Kako već znate, film o grupi Queen je vani i svi nestrpljivo i oduševljeno čekaju u redu da ga pogledaju. Kako bi se dostojno proslavio izlazak filma, otkrivena je svjetlosna instalacija u Carnaby Streetu ove nedjelje koju su posjetili posebni gosti, Brian May i Roger Taylor, a kojima su se pridružile zvijezde filma: Rami Malek, Lucy Boynton, Gwilym Lee, Ben Hardy i Joe Mazzello. Imala sam namjeru nabaviti ulaznicu za prednji red, ali je zainteresiranost bila velika kao Soho, tako da sam nažalost morala dobro zumirati s kamerom kako bih vidjela njih. Ipak, svjetlosna instalacija je bila nevjerojatna i bila je velika čast što sam mogla biti tamo i dijeliti s tisućama ljudi, ljubiteljima Queena, ovu radost.

Dok razmišljam o sljedećoj kolumni, ostavljam vas uz moju pjesmu tjedna, odavajući počast legendama koji su svojom glazbom potresli svijet tada i čine to i danas. Uživajte!
