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Slipknot + Behemoth – a dark spectacle in Budapest
This Tuesday, two great bands eclipsed the László Papp sports arena in Budapest with hard sound and visual magic. Blackers from Poland, Behemoth and American heavy (ex-nu) metal band have teamed up for the “We Are Not Your Kind” tour following the Slipknot’s new album released last year. Already at the entrance, with one look at the front row and the people waiting patiently, we knewed that this would be a great and energetic concert full of fans from one and another team. As Corey Taylor said on several occasions at the concert: “My family is growing up.” And really, we can say that in this audience we can find teenagers with parents, young people with nostalgia at heart, but also grandparents.
The concert spectacle was opened by the atmospheric Behemoth, and we already knew from the first beat that there would be a lot of darkness in the sound, but also light-fire effects. Wolves are their symbol of this tour, and with the song “Wolves of Siberia” they began their black mass. At a rapid pace, they played the older song, “Daimonos,” and then returned to the slower rhytm when Nergal put his miter on his head and continued preaching. Latin sayings traveled through the hall, plowing “Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer”, invoking the ancient demon Bartzabel. There was a lots of fire, headbanging, tossing and raising guitars in honor of the fallen angel and lord of hell Lucifer. Black Mass lasted just over 45 minutes and closed with a march on snare and tomes, in honor of the lead band on this tour. We must emphasize that the concert started on time, in fact the delay was negligible – only 10 minutes.
A large curtain with the Slipknot sign went down the whole stage, and the technicians behind the scenes soon made the stage memorable. As the main band waited for the concert, more and more crowds filled the remaining space. Just after 9pm, the intro to the big show started. The tension and energy grew, the projections were all over the stage and on the percussions, too. The audience finally received Corey’s voice and song “Unsainted” from the new album. This was followed by the songs “Disasterpiece” and “Eeyore” from the album “Iowa”, which confirms that the guys were still fine. Corey Taylor soon greeted the audience and apologized that he couldn’t sing the way he should because he was ill, but that he would give more than 100 percent for this concert. And he really gave. The set list was almost perfectly arranged, so we could enjoy most of the big hits, which included songs from the new album such as “Nero Forte”, “Solway Firth” and “Birth of the Cruel”.
The Slipknot guys were dressed in a combination of black and red shirts and overalls, so some members recalled those band’s golden days by choosing a red overalls, while Corey changed the outfit from a black coat to a white shirt. Most interestingly dressed was DJ Sid Wilson, who, with his red raincoat, was reminiscent of Little Red Riding Hood. Also, Sid is known to always like to go full on stage, dance and jump, which he justified this time, too. The guys on their percussion (Shawn and “New Guy”) also twisted in their work positions, alternating from left to right, but also producing great backing vocals. On the other hand, the mysterious Craig “133” Jones and with almost unchanged mask throughout the band’s existence did a great job of sampling the spot with banging his needles on his head. There we’re no lacking of pyrotechnics, and the firecrackers crashed several times at the beginning and in the middle of certain songs. The most beautiful fireworks came out at the beginning of the song “Before I Forget”, and also the fire spurted in rhythm from Alessandro Venturell’s bass guitar. Drummer Jay Weinberg did a great job of playing up to the smallest detail accurately and safely, with Jim Root and Mick Thomson who showed off their guitar greatness. The audience dropped their voices the most on “Duality,” “Psychosocial,” Vermilion, “and” Wait and Bleed when which Corey Taylor asked the audience to sing and help him with. The most interesting part was the encore, where the band played the hottest songs and their anthems: “(sic)”, “People = Shit” and “Surfacing”. Although these are the songs they performed best in their golden days, they still sound really good in this new release of Slipknot. The concert lasted almost 2 full hours and fulfilled our expectations!
Perhaps the only downside was that the song “Spit it Out” was not played, with Corey traditionally lowering the audience to the floor in the middle of the song and jump on the fun part. That kind of energy didn’t happen this time, though.
Slipknot is a band that has existed for 20 years, generations have changed, the band has changed his sound and style from its beginnings to now and this is no longer the band that only angry teenagers would listen. Notwithstanding all these facts, the band maintains its professional level and proves that it is still at the top of fierce music.
Photo: Nikola Knežević’s private album
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Slipknot + Behemoth – mračni spektakl u Budimpešti
Ovog su utorka dva odlična benda pomračila sportsku arenu László Papp u Budimpešti tvrdim zvukom i vizualnom magijom. Blackeri iz Poljske, Behemoth i američki heavy (nekad nu) metalci spojili su se za turneju „We Are Not Your Kind“ povodom novog albuma Slipknota koji je izašao prošle godine. Već na samom ulazu u arenu, jednim pogledom na redove ispred i ljude koji su strpljivo čekali, znalo se da će to biti jedan odličan i energičan koncert prepun obožavatelja iz jednih i drugih redova. Kako je sâm Corey Taylor izjavio u nekoliko navrata na koncertu: „Moja obitelj raste.“ I stvarno, možemo reći da u današnjoj publici ovog žestokog zvuka pronalazimo tinejdžere s roditeljima, mlade ljude s nostalgijom u srcu, ali i bake i djedove.
Koncertni spektakl otvorili su atmosferični Behemoth koji su već pri prvom taktu dali do znanja da će biti puno mraka, ali i svjetlosno-vatrenih efekata. Vukovi su njihov simbol ove turneje, te su pjesmom „Wolves of Siberia“ započeli svoju crnu misu. Brzim ritmom otprašili su stariju pjesmu „Daimonos“, te se nakon toga ponovno vratili na sporije kada je Nergal stavio svoju mitru na glavu i nastavio propovijedanje. Latinske uzrečice putovale su kroz dvoranu, orilo se „Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer“, prizivao se drevni demon Bartzabel, palilo se, vrtjelo se kosama, bacale su se gitare i podizale u čast palog anđela i gospodara pakla Lucifera. Crna misa trajala je nešto više od 45 minuta i zatvorena je maršom na snareu i tomovima, a u čast vodećem bendu ove turneje. Moramo naglasiti da je koncert počeo na vrijeme, odnosno kašnjenje je bilo zanemarivo – tek 10 minuta.
Veliki zastor s natpisom Slipknot spustio se niz cijelu pozornicu, a tehničari iza kulisa ubrzo su naštimali pozornicu za pamćenje. Dok se čekao glavni bend večeri sve je više publike popunjavalo preostali prostor. Nešto iza 21 sat počeo je intro u veliki show. Napetost i energija je rasla, projekcije su bile po cijeloj pozornici pa tako i po perkusijama. Publika je napokon dočekala Coreyev glas i pjesmu „Unsainted“ s novog albuma. Nakon toga, uslijedile su pjesme „Disasterpiece“ i „Eeyore“ s albuma “Iowa“ s kojima su dečki pokazali da i dalje dobro praše. Corey Taylor je uskoro pozdravio publiku te se ispričao što ne može pjevati onako kako bi trebao jer je bolestan, ali da će dati više od 100 posto za ovaj koncert. I stvarno je dao. Set lista je gotovo savršeno bila posložena pa tako smo mogli uživati u većini velikih hitova između kojih su se pametno našle pjesme s novog albuma kao što su „Nero Forte“, „Solway Firth” i “Birth of the Cruel”.
Dečki iz Slipknota bili su obučeni u kombinaciju košulja i kombinezona crnih i crvenih boja, tako da su neki članovi odabirom crvenog kombinezona podsjetili na one zlatne dane ovog benda, dok je Corey mijenjao odjevnu kombinaciju od crnog kaputa do bijele košulje. Najzanimljivije obučen bio je DJ Sid Wilson koji je svojom crvenom kabanicom podsjećao na Crvenkapicu. Također, Sid je poznat da se uvijek voli puno razbacivati pozornicom, plesati i skakati što je i ovaj put opravdao. Dečki na svojim perkusijama (Shawn i “New Guy”) također su se izvijali na svojim radnim pozicijama i izmjenjivali se s lijeve na desnu stranu, ali i odradili odlične back vokale. S druge strane, misteriozni Craig “133” Jones i s gotovo nepromijenjenom maskom kroz cijelo razdoblje postojanja benda odrađivao je odličan posao sempliranja na mjestu uz benganje svojim iglicama na glavi. Pirotehnike u svakom slučaju nije nedostajalo te su petarde nekoliko puta puknule na početku i usred određenih pjesama. Najljepši vatromet izašao je na početku pjesme “Before I Forget”, a također je vatra štrcala u ritmu iz bas gitare Alessandra Venturella. Bubnjar Jay Weinberg odradio je odličan posao svirajući i do najmanjeg detalja točno i sigurno, a Jim Root i Mick Thomson pokazali su svoju gitarsku veličinu. Publika je najviše ispustila svoje glasove na pjesmama “Duality”, “Psychosocial, “Vermilion” i “Wait and Bleed” za koju je Corey Taylor zamolio da publika s njim pjeva i pomogne mu. Najzanimljiviji dio bio je bis u kojem je bend svirao najžešće pjesme i svoje himne: “(sic)”, “People = Shit” i “Surfacing”. Iako su to pjesme koje su najbolje izvodili u svojim zlatnim danima, one i dalje stvarno dobro zvuče i u ovakvom novom izdanju Slipknota. Koncert je trajao skoro pa puna 2 sata i ispunio naša očekivanja!
Možda je jedini manjak bio taj što nije odsvirana pjesma “Spit it Out” na kojoj Corey tradicionalno spušta publiku na pod na sredini pjesme i nabrijava je na skakanje. Takva energija ovaj put se ipak nije dogodila.
Slipknot je bend koji postoji već 20 godina, izmjenjivale su se generacije koje su ih počele ili završile slušati, bend je promijenio zvuk i stil od svojih početaka do sada i to više nije Slipknot koji slušaju samo bijesni tinejdžeri. Bez obzira na sve ove činjenice bend održava svoju profesionalnu razinu i dokazuje da je i dalje u vrhu žestoke glazbe.
Foto: Privatni album Nikole Kneževića