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[COLUMN/KOLUMNA] Mind the Gap by Sara Al Hamad: Is this really happening?/Je li se ovo stvarno događa?

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Is this really happening?

Every now and then, shit happens. Tilting at windmills becomes much more than you can handle and you just want to crawl into your bed and cry. In my case, even the bed was not an option since it was infested by bed bugs. A common thing in London, they said. Not to worry it will get sorted, they said. So while I am getting eaten alive by parasites, allow me to introduce to you music of Maisha – a sound that bites, but in a good way.

Last week I had the opportunity to hear them play in a colorful venue called Ghost Notes, situated in Peckham Levels. It‘s a huge building that used to be a car park, but today it’s a hub for all the creatives to hang out and get their ideas off the ground. This place was born when Southwark Council asked the community to propose a new use for the empty interior levels within the car park. Coming from a country where chances of something like this happening are way below zero, I have to admit I was a bit wowed.

Anyway, lets get on with the programme. A spiritual touch experienced with Maisha’s music is a joyride; throughout the concert I felt like I am indulging in forbidden pleasures. A strange thing to say when describing a gig, I agree. They combine spiritual elements with beautiful jazz turning it all into a very celestial experience. People around me had interesting reactions to the music, from screaming to breathing heavily and gazing in wonder. Their concert was everything except just another show.

This was also a celebration of their debut album There Is A Place. In the event description, I read that the album’s title alludes to a small, secluded park which bandleader Jake Long would often retreat to, whose peaceful surrounds were the setting for regular moments of reflection. That sounded a bit hoch and maybe too much for my taste to be honest, but after hearing the music I was quite impressed. Let him stay in that park if this is what he composes there, let him ruminate and reflect as much as he wants.

Throughout the concert, each of the main six members had a solo, and It’s very hard to say whose was the best one – Shirley Tetteh on the guitar, Nubya Garcia on the saxophone, Tim Doyle on the percussion, Jake Long on the drums or the beautiful double-bass solo that literally had me gasping in wonder, performed by Twm Dylan. He went on with this extravagant plucking of strings for more than a minute I would say, and each second had me smiling a bit more.

While I am planning my concerts in December, and trying to get myself into invite only Xmas parties, please enjoy my tune of the week – she is up and coming, and everyone is talking about her. This one is her remix of one of the most recognizable house tracks ever. Enjoy the tune and see you next Monday!

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Je li se ovo stvarno događa?

Svako malo sranja se dogode. Borba s vjetrenjačama nekada je jača od vas i samo se želite ušuškati u krevet i plakati. U mojem slučaju krevet nije bio opcija s obzirom da su ga preplavile krevetne bube. Česta pojava u Londonu, kažu. Ne trebam brinuti jer će se sve  srediti, kažu. I dok me proždiru paraziti, dopustite mi da vam predstavim glazbu Maishe – zvuk koji grize, ali na dobar način.

Prošloga tjedna imala sam priliku čuti kako sviraju na šarenom mjestu pod nazivom Ghost Notes koje se nalazi u Peckham Levelsu. U pitanju je velika zgrada koja je nekada bila parkiralište za automobile, ali danas je prostor za sve kreativce koji se tamo druže i bacaju ideje na stol. Ovo mjesto je rođeno kad je Vijeće Southwarka pitalo zajednicu da predlože novi način korištenja ovog praznog interijera koji se nalazi na istoj razini gdje i parkiralište. S obzirom da dolazim iz zemlje gdje su šanse da se ovakve stvari dogode daleko ispod nule, moram priznati da sam pomalo i šokirana.

No, krenimo s programom. Duhovni dodir kojeg sam iskusila s glazbom benda Maisha je prava radost; tijekom koncerta osjećala sam se kao da se prepuštam zabranjenim užicima. Čudno zvuči kad kažem to opisujući koncert, slažem se. Kombiniraju duhovne elemente s prekrasnim jazzom da bi sve zajedno prešlo u pravo nebesko iskustvo. Ljudi oko mene su imali zanimljive reakcije na glazbu, od vrištanja do glasnog disanja i zurenja u čudu. Njihov koncert je bio sve osim još samo jednog koncerta.

Ovo je ujedno bila i proslava objavljivanja njihovog debitantskog studijskog izdanja „There Is A Place“. U opisu događaja pročitala sam da naslov albuma aludira na mali osamljeni park u koji bi se povremeno uvukao frontmen benda Jake Long, te je upravo umirujuće okruženje parka bilo idealno za reedovne trenutke rezervirane za razmišljanje. Zvučalo je dosta teško i možda previše za moj ukus, da budem iskrena, ali nakon što sam čula glazbu bila sam dosta impresionirana. Neka ostane u tom parku, ako je to mjesto na kojem sklada glazbu, neka razmišlja koliko god želi.

Tijekom koncerta svaki od šest članova benda imao je solo dionicu i teško je reći tko je bio bolji, Shirley Tetteh na gitari, Nubya Garcia na saksofonu, Tim Doyle na perkusijama, Jake Long na bubnjevima ili prelijepi solo na kontrabasu zbog kojeg sam gledala u čudu, a za kojem je bio Twm Dylan. S kontrabasom je više od minute, rekla bih, ektravagantno čupao žice i svake sekunde mi je izmamio sve više osmijeha na lice.

Dok planiram na koje ću koncerte ići u prosincu i pokušavam ući u fazu da se pozovem samo na božićne partyje, uživajte u mojoj pjesmi tjedna – ona je tu i dolazi i svi pričaju o njoj. Ovo je njezin remix za jednu od najprepoznatljivijih house pjesama ikada. Uživajte u pjesmi i čitamo se sljedećeg ponedjeljka.
